St Pete Pride
St Pete Pride 2 happy gay people

St Pete Pride

Branding + Webflow Development


Going into its 20th year, St Pete Pride needed a new brand and website in order to attract bigger sponsorship dollars and to show the community their true commitment to inclusivity and intersectionality.


Mile End Digital created a stand-out new brand to reflect how St Pete Pride is evolving and moving in a more intentional direction – in its programming, its creative, and its positioning within the community of St Pete. Every single touchpoint was built to reflect this new direction – from the overall messaging to the very first impression we’re making with website.

Project Components

  • New brand guidelines
  • Development a new mission statement.
  • Designed, built, and launched a new Webflow website
  • Volunteer, sponsorship, and e-commerce custom integrations

Brand Visibility Package: 

Brand Explorer Roadmap + Visionary Voyager Package

Most marketers believe in quality over quantity
Desktop with mockup of website project
Graphic: 4 reasons to ut your personal values out there as a biz owner
Erika and Dirk in Capri, Italy
wooden side table with postcard that says "Do more shit that matters"
Testimonial on a brick wall